02.-10. Sept 2012
Jury member at the Third Northeast Asia International
Piano Art Festival – Piano Competition
Changchun, China
01. Sept 2012
Opening Concert of the Third Northeast Asia International
Piano Art Festival
Changchun, China
16.-20. Juli 2012
I. Internationales Jugend Pianisten Sommer Musikfestival
Künstlerischer Leiter / Artistic Director
Troisdorf, Germany
14. Juni 2012
Jury member at the National Piano Concerto Competition
Shenyang, China
25. Mai 2012
Brahms / J. Z. Wang / Ravel
19:30 Uhr
Liaoning Grand Theatre
Shenyang, China
18. Mai 2012
Brahms / J. Z. Wang / Ravel
18:00 Uhr
Ground Concert Hall
Changchun, China